Edgegap - Official Partner

Netcode is just the start! Get your game online, easily and in minutes, with automated game servers and hosting with Edgegap.

Directly from your Unity project, Edgegap’s plugin containerizes your game and builds and deploys a fully managed authoritative server (aka “dedicated servers”). This simple solution ensures players worldwide can play your game.

You can visit their official website at https://edgegap.com.

Want to learn more about Edgegap tech? Discover how it works here!

Key Benefits of Using Edgegap

  • A free trial allows production and testing is at no cost to you.

  • Their platform is built to scale with your game’s popularity.

  • Pay-per-use pricing is regularly 85% less expensive than traditional public cloud services.

Bonus Features

  • Relay and dedicated server capabilities.

  • Customizable matchmaking.

  • Powerful and informative web control panel.

  • Bundled with Fish-Networking as an official plugin.

With Edgegap being included with Fish-Networking you can quickly get started in only a few minutes. Check out our official step-by-step video tutorial on using Edgegap with Fish-Networking.

Last updated