

Bayou is the transport you are looking for when you want communication on WebGL! It is an updated and repurposed version of the "SimpleWebTransport" That was originally designed for Mirror Networking.


How to Install

Bayou does not come with FishNet by default, you must download it from GitHub. You can find the latest version at the link below! Once Downloaded and Imported into Unity with FishNet. You should add the component to your Network manager, and Assign the "Transport" variable on the Transport Manager to Tugboat.

Component Settings


  • Enable WSS: When enabled uses Secure WebSockets instead of normal WebSockets.

  • SSL Configuration: Used to configure the SSL Certificate.

    • Enabled: Turns on/off Requiring SSL Certificate.

    • Certificate Path: File Path for the certificate

    • Certificate Password: Password for certificate

    • SSL Protocol: The protocol you would like to use for encryption.


  • MTU: Maximum Transmission Unity for the unreliable channel (in bytes)


  • Port: The port you want to bind the server to. Default port is 7770

  • Maximum Clients: The amount of clients allowed to connect to the server. Default is 2000 clients.


  • Client Address: The Address the client should use to connect to the server!

Last updated