
Details on the different types of NetworkObjects that will be referenced throughout the guides.


Any GameObject with a NetworkObject component on it will be considered a "NetworkObject" in these guides going forward. Review the NetworkObject component Page for details on the various settings for a NetworkObject.

When you are to add a NetworkBehaviour component to your prefabs or scene objects the NetworkBehaviour will search for a NetworkObject component on the same object, or within parent objects. If a NetworkObject is not found then one will be added automatically to the top-most object.

Spawned NetworkObject

NetworkObjects that are Instantiated and Spawned using ther ServerManager.Spawn() method will be considered a "Spawned NetworkObject". "IsSpawned" Property will be marked True internally on the NetworkObject Component.

Scene NetworkObject

Any NetworkObject that exists as part of the Scene aka - never instantiated/spawned into the scene, will be considered a "Scene NetworkObject" in these guides going forward. "IsSceneObject" property will be marked true on the attached NetworkObject component internally.

Global NetworkObject

Any NetworkObject with their bool "IsGlobal" marked "true" either in the inspector or with code will be considered a "GlobalNetworkObject" in the guides going forward.

GlobalNetworkObjects will automatically be put into the ("DontDestroyOnLoad") scene when instantiated on the server, and when spawned on the clients.

Nested NetworkObject

Any NetworkObject that are a child of another NetworkObject will considered a "Nested NetworkObject" in these guides going forward. "IsNested" property will be marked true on the attached NetworkObject component internally.

Last updated