Both addressable scenes and prefabs work over the network.
Scene Addressables
Scene addressables utilize Fish-Networking's Custom Scene Processors. With a few overrides you can implement addressable scenes using this guide.
Prefab Addressables
To work reliably each addressables package must have a unique ushort Id, between 1 and 65535. Never use 0 as the Id, as the preconfigured SpawnablePrefabs use this Id. You may assign your addressable Ids however you like, for instance using a dictionary that tracks your addressable names with Ids.
Registering addressable prefabs with Fish-Networking is easy once each package has been given an Id.
The code below shows one way of loading and unloading addressable prefabs for the network.
/// <summary>/// Reference to your NetworkManager./// </summary>private NetworkManager _networkManager =>InstanceFinder.NetworkManager;/// <summary>/// Used to load and unload addressables in async./// </summary>privateAsyncOperationHandle<IList<GameObject>> _asyncHandle;/// <summary>/// Loads an addressables package by string./// You can load whichever way you prefer, this is merely an example./// </summary>publicIEnumeratorLoadAddressables(string addressablesPackage){/* FishNet uses an Id to identify addressable packages * over the network. You can set the Id to whatever, however * you like. A very simple way however is to use our GetStableHash * helper methods to return a unique key for the package name. * This does require the package names to be unique. */ushort id =addressablesPackage.GetStableHash16();/* GetPrefabObjects will return the prefab * collection to use for Id. Passing in true * will create the collection if needed. */SinglePrefabObjects spawnablePrefabs = (SinglePrefabObjects)_networkManager.GetPrefabObjects<SinglePrefabObjects>(id,true);/* Get a cache to store networkObject references in from our helper object pool. * This is not required, you can make a new list if you like. But if you * prefer to prevent allocations FishNet has the really helpful CollectionCaches * and ObjectCaches, as well Resettable versions of each. */List<NetworkObject> cache =CollectionCaches<NetworkObject>.RetrieveList();/* Load addressables normally. If the object is a NetworkObject prefab * then add it to our cache! */ _asyncHandle =Addressables.LoadAssetsAsync<GameObject>(addressablesPackage, addressable => {NetworkObject nob =addressable.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();if (nob !=null)cache.Add(nob); });yieldreturn _asyncHandle;/* Add the cached references to spawnablePrefabs. You could skip * caching entirely and just add them as they are read in our LoadAssetsAsync loop * but this saves more performance by adding them all at once. */spawnablePrefabs.AddObjects(cache); //Optionally(obviously, do it) store the collection cache for use later. We really don't like garbage!CollectionCaches<NetworkObject>.Store(cache);}/// <summary>/// Loads an addressables package by string./// </summary>publicvoidUnoadAddressables(string addressablesPackage){ //Get the Id the same was as we did for loading.ushort id =addressablesPackage.GetStableHash16();/* Once again get the prefab collection for the Id and * clear it so that there are no references of the objects * in memory. */SinglePrefabObjects spawnablePrefabs = (SinglePrefabObjects)_networkManager.GetPrefabObjects<SinglePrefabObjects>(id,true);spawnablePrefabs.Clear(); //You may now release your addressables!Addressables.Release(_asyncHandle);}
When adding addressables on your client be sure to do so before the server will send spawn messages for them.