Scene Events
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There are a variety of events within SceneManager to help with your development. The order in which events invoke are reliable.
This diagram represents which order events can be expected to run. You may also find this diagram within your Fish-Networking import under Example/All/SceneManager.
Notice that client and server process queues and events exactly the same. OnClientPresence change is a special exception, as discussed below.
This event calls every time a client loads the starting scenes for the first time. The start scenes would be any global scenes you have set, or if no global scenes are set then the scene you are entering play into. The PlayerSpawner.cs example demonstrates usage of the OnClientLoadedStartScenes event. Included is the connecion, or client which loaded the scenes, and a boolean indicating true if the callback is on the server side or false if on the client side.
The NetworkConnection class also has a similar event OnLoadedStartScenes if you'd like to know when only a specific connection has loaded the start scenes.
OnQueueStart and OnQueueEnd are called when a scene change queue occurs. Start will only call if a scene has succesfully begun to load or unload. The queue may process any number of scene events. For example: if a scene is told to unload while a load is still in progress, then the unload will be placed in the queue. OnQueueEnd will invoke after both the load and unload have completed.
OnLoadStart and OnUnloadStart occur before a queue entry is processed. These will call for every entry in a queue. For example: if you call SceneManager.LoadGlobalScenes() twice in a row, OnQueueStart will invoke once, and OnLoadStart will invoke twice. OnLoadStart will be called when a scene load begins, and OnUnloadStart when an unload begins.
Both the Load and Unload events contain a structure which has a field labeled QueueData. QueueData holds information about the queue entry. The provided data is exposed for your convenience.
Only available when loading scenes is the OnLoadPercentChange event. This event contains information about what percentage of your scenes have loaded for the queue entry. Like the Start events, QueueData is provided. You will also be supplied a float Percent, indicating the total progress of your scene load. This can be useful to show loading screens, or perform a variety of initialization tasks.
The OnLoadEnd event is called after all scenes for the queue entry have been loaded. This event will only invoke after the scenes have fully loaded, and after the active scene has been set if applicable. Like the OnLoadStart event QueueData is provided. Additionally, LoadedScenes and SkippedSceneNames. LoadedScenes provides Scene references to which scenes were loaded. SkippedSceneNames contains strings of scenes which were not loaded; this generally occurs if the scene is already loaded.
After scene unloading has occurred OnUnloadEnd is invoked. This event contains QueueData, and UnloadedSceneHandles. As before QueueData contains information about the queue entry. UnloadSceneHandles is a collection occupied with the handles of which scenes were unloaded.
These two events are only available on the server and indicate when a client is being added to a scene, or being removed from a scene. Both events are only invoked after the client has fully loaded or unloaded the scene. The Start variant is invoked before the observer status has been updated for the client, and End after being updated. To clarify, if a client joins a scene OnClientPresentStart will call before the client has visibility of any networked content in the scene, and OnClientPresentEnd after the client has gained visibility.
Both events contain the same structure which has the following information: Scene, Connection, and Added. Scene is which scene the client is being added or removed from. Connection is the NetworkConnection for the client. Lastly, Added will be true if being added to the scene, or false is being removed.