FishySteamworks (Steam)


FishySteamworks is FizzySteamworks reformed. FishySteamworks has significant performance improvements and has been made to fully support Toolkit for Steamworks SDK by Heathen Engineering.


How to Install

Github: Import the package from Github above into your Unity FishNet project, and add the "FishySteamworks" Component to your Transport Manager.

FishySteamworks is dependent upon Steamworks.NET. An installation article for Steamworks.NET has kindly been provided by Heathen Engineering.

Component Settings

  • Steam App Id: is the Id for your steam application. 480 is the default, which is often used as a test App Id.

  • Server Bind Address: Which IP the server will bind/listen on. The default value is empty.

  • Port: Indicates which port the server will listen on.

  • Peer To Peer: Will allow clients to act as host when running your project. IP addresses are NOT revealed.

  • Maximum Clients: is how many players can be connected to the server at once.

  • Client Address: is the IP of the server, which clients connect to. Empty is the default value for local testing.

Last updated