Pro, Learning Resources, and Support

Learn how to access a variety of enhancements for your Fish-Networking experience. We aim to provide reasonable pricing ranging from smaller indie developers to large studios.

We offer three purchase options to help fit your needs.

Important Information

Due to Unity submission guideline changes we restructured our pricing and plans. Supporters prior of this change will continue to have access based on our previous structure.

Fish-Networking Pro is now separate from projects and support tiers.

All Support tiers also provide access to projects. After $35 of total contributions, excluding asset store purchases, supporters gain lifetime access to projects.

While a supporter on any tier you have access to claim a Discord FirstGearGames Supporter role to show off your support for the project; Priority Support tiers provide additional roles.

After unlocking projects you may immediately downgrade to the Updates Only tier to receive project updates at a much lower monthly cost.

Do not forget to claim your role on our Discord server!

GitHub Instructions: log into your downloads on our website. After logging in you will be shown a temporary Id above downloads. Copy this Id and direct message our Discord bot Sharky with it.

Patreon Instructions:


Some features are only available in Fish-Networking Pro.

Pro is available on the asset store here. All business support tiers also grant a complimentary lifetime Pro license.

We have an extremely flexible sharing license for Fish-Networking Pro, allowing teams and classrooms to work on a single purchase. You can view that license here.

Features For Pro:

Lag Compensation

Another very important feature for precision based gaming is lag compensation. This is the act of rolling back colliders in time to where a client had seen them; this ensures accurate hit registration. This technique is applicable to several genre types but is most commonly seen in shooter games

Automatic Code Stripping

Code stripping helps protect your game server by removing sensitive logic that the player should not be aware of. Far as we know, Fish-Networking is the only solution with the ability to remove server code from clients, and client code from the server.

Network Level of Detail

Level of Detail determines how often the server sends updates to clients. With level of detail enabled moving objects can expect to use up to 95% LESS bandwidth. Other aspects of Fish-Networking benefit marginally from network level of detail as well.

Extrapolation, NetworkTransform

When enabled the NetworkTransform will extrapolate as necessary to create a smoother experience for unstable connections.

Synchronized Parameters, NetworkAnimator

Customize which parameters are synchronized over the network on the NetworkAnimator.


Yak is a transport which provides an entirely offline experience using your multiplayer code. When combined with Multipass (available to free users), you may run your game offline or online.

Learning Resources

Learning resources are completed Unity projects which act as a template or learning opportunity.

Lobby and Worlds

Lobby and Worlds is designed to use a single server for a lobby containing your players, as well create games on the same server using rooms created by your players. Each room is isolated from other players, both visually and in network traffic.

Many aspects of the lobby can be customized to your needs. Lobby and Worlds allows you to design your game normally in it's own scenes, while the project takes care of everything else.

Features include:

  • Loading any number of game scenes, multiple times; think dungeon instances!

  • Sign in system.

  • Lobby to create and join rooms.

  • Join rooms after start, optional.

  • Password rooms.

  • Ready up system, optional.

  • Kick players.

  • Player limits.

  • Customizable lobby logic and demo game.

FPS Land is not yet available for Fish-Networking V4. We are in the process of rewriting FPS Land to better take advantage of newer FishNet features.

Upon release, FPS Land V4 will be available to anyone that joined Pro tier from January 31st 2024 and onward, even if you are not currently a Pro subscriber.

FPS Land for Fish-Networking V3 is still available for download.

FPS Land

This project is a full server authoritative demo on how you may get started on creating a FPS game with Fish-Networking.

Key points are:

  • Full server authoritative: movement, sound, firing, reloading, animations, ect.

  • Four weapon types: rifle, pistol, knife, and grenades.

  • Lag compensation for weapons such as rifles.

  • Lag compensation projectiles, such as grenades.

  • Picked up items.

  • Movement modifiers from weapon weight and walking.

  • Pet friendly goats.

Support Tier Options

Free Tier Support

  • Discord: Multiple channels of support, with support provided by our community and helpers.

  • Unity Forum: support provided by our community and helpers.

  • Website(s): Documentation, Guides, and Videos available from our Team and Community

Priority Tier Support

  • Everything in Free Tier.

  • Discord: Additional access to post in our Priority Support channel. This channel uses threads to keep each question individualized and sorted. The questions asked in Priority Support are prioritized by our helpers.

  • Learning Resources: Access to Learning resources that are completed Unity projects which act as a template or learning opportunity.

  • There are multiple priority tier options. Support quality is equal for all tiers. Priority tiers 2+ receive enhanced visibility within our Discord community to show off your support.

Business Support

  • Everything in Free Tier

  • Everything in Priority Tier

  • Additional Enterprise Features, please view our monthly tiers on GitHub to see what we offer per tier. For more information you may also email, or contact firstgeargames on Discord.

Last updated