Using each NetworkCollider component is the same, and can be used very similar to Unity callbacks.
When using client-side prediction the NetworkCollider components are designed to accurately dispatch Enter, Stay, and Exit callbacks for collisions and triggers.
All events have the same name across each component: NetworkCollider, NetworkCollider2D, NetworkTrigger, and NetworkTrigger2D. What is returned in each event naturally will vary, depending on which component you use. For example, the NetworkCollision component will return Collider for what was intersected, while NetworkCollision2D will return Collider2D.
Our OnStay callback does not return Collision as you would expect with the Unity version. Due to Unity limitations we are unable to provide a Collision callback without hotpath allocations.
If you require Collision to be returned please use the Unity OnStay callback instead; this will function properly with prediction.
OnEnter is invoked when this collider has entered the bounds of another collider.
OnStay is invoked when this collider remains in contact with another.
OnExit is invoked when this collider has exited the bounds of another collider.
Keep in mind each callback description varies if you are using Collsion, Trigger, or their 2D counterparts. None-the-less, they behave just like Unity callbacks.
This example script is placed on the player object. Our script demonstrates subscribing to all three events and using the OnEnter event to play a sound, as well applying forces to 'this' player.
//We are assuming this script inherits NetworkBehaviour.
private AudioSource _hitSound;
private NetworkCollision _networkCollision;
private void Awake()
//Get the NetworkCollision component placed on this object.
//You can place the component anywhere you would normally
//use Unity collider callbacks!
_networkCollision = GetComponent<NetworkCollision>();
// Subscribe to the desired collision event
_networkCollision.OnEnter += NetworkCollisionEnter;
_networkCollision.OnStay += NetworkCollisionStay;
_networkCollision.OnExit += NetworkCollisionExit;
private void OnDestroy()
//Since the NetworkCollider is placed on the same object as
//this script we do not need to unsubscribe; the callbacks
//will be destroyed with the object.
//But if your NetworkCollider resides on another object you
//likely will want to unsubscribe to your events as well as shown.
if (_networkCollision != null)
_networkCollision.OnEnter -= NetworkCollisionEnter;
_networkCollision.OnStay -= NetworkCollisionStay;
_networkCollision.OnExit -= NetworkCollisionExit;
private void NetworkCollisionEnter(Collider other)
//Only play the sound effect when not currently reconciling.
//If you were to play the sound also during reconcilations
//the audio would execute each reconcile, each tick, until the
//player was no longer reconciling into the collider.
if (!base.PredictionManager.IsReconciling)
//Always apply velocity to this player on enter, even if reconciling.
PlayerMover pm = GetComponent<PlayerMover>();
//For this example we are pushing away from the other object.
Vector3 dir = (transform.position - other.gameObject.transform).normalized;
pm.PredictionRigidbody.AddForce(dir * 50f, ForceMode.Impulse);
private void NetworkCollisionStay(Collider other)
// Handle collision stay logic
private void NetworkCollisionExit(Collider other)
// Handle collision exit logic (e.g., deactivate visual effects)
You may be wondering what is PredictionRigidbody and why did we apply forces to that instead of the Rigidbody directly. PredictionRigidbody(and 2D) is a mandatory but still simple way to apply forces to predicted rigidbodies. You can learn more about it's usage here.